AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
First Immigrant Generation
1. Aaron Dorcas
Born Approx 1774 in Ireland. Died Sep 1853 in NB.
The surname is spelled various ways: Darcus, Darkis, Darkus, Dorcas. Spelling used most in recent times is "Dorcas". The Dorcas family emigrated from Ireland, year not known.
In Harvey Settlement, Lot No. 14 southeast side of the St. Andrews road from Andrew D. Montgomery and his wife Agnes Montgomery to Aaron Darcus Senior, 12 Mar 1847. (RS - 272 Land Petitions Vol. 30, No. 123, PANB)
Same lot from Aaron Darcus to his son Andrew Darcas, 8 Aug 1857.
Not sure of relationship between Aaron Dorcas and William Dorcas, both born in Ireland. William was born approximately 1796. More research needs to be done on this family.
He married Jane. Born Approx 1774 in Ireland. Died 15 Apr 1855 in NB.
They had the following children:
2 i. James Dorcas
3 ii. Aaron Dorcas
4 iii. William Dorcas
5 iv. Andrew Dorcas
6 v. Elizabeth Dorcas
7 vi. Sarah "Sally" Dorcas
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Second Immigrant Generation
2. James Dorcas
Son of Aaron Dorcas & Jane. Born Approx 1807 in Ireland.
James Dorcas and his wife Mary had six children.
He married Mary. Born Approx 1801.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Second Immigrant Generation
3. Aaron Dorcas
Son of Aaron Dorcas & Jane. Born in Ireland. Died 19 Nov 1848 in St. John River Near Sugar Island.
Aaron Dorcas lived in Kingsclear Parish in 1845.
From New Brunswick Courier, 25 Nov 1848: "We learn from "Headquarters" of Wednesday last that an accident occurred on the St. John River opposite Sugar Island about 10 miles above Fredericton on Sunday. It appears that a man named Darcus was amusing himself by skating with his sister's son, a child about age 7, named O'Hara in his arms, when the ice suddenly gave way and both were plunged into the river to rise no more. The bodies were found about an hour after they sank, the child being firmly clasped in his uncle's arms."
From New Brunswick Reporter, 24 Nov 1848: "On Sunday last, Aaron Darcus while skating near Sugar Island and holding in his arms a boy of 7 or 8 years of age, the son of a neighbour named O'Hara unfortunately fell into an airhole and was drowned."
He married Catherine Virtue, daughter of John Virtue & Catherine, 20 Mar 1845 in York Co., NB By Dr. John M. Brooke, Presbyterian . Born 1828 in Ireland.
From York Co NB Marriage Register B 1837-1850 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were William Long and Andrew McGaughlin.
Catherine, aged 23, and her three sons were in the household of her parents, John and Catherine Virtue, in the 1851 Fredericton Census. Her first husband Aaron Dorcas died 19 Nov 1848.
From New Brunswick Courier, 19 Sep 1857: "Married 10th inst. by Rev. Dr. Brooke, Gilbert Ross and Mrs Catherine Darcus, both of St. John city." (Or both from Fredericton??)
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Catherine was a widow, Gilbert was a widower; witnesses to marriage were Wm Grieves and Helen Marshall.
They had the following children:
8 i. John Dorcas
9 ii. James Dorcas
10 iii. Aaron Dorcas
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Second Immigrant Generation
4. William Dorcas
Son of Aaron Dorcas & Jane.
New Brunswick Courier, 5 Apr 1845: Married 20th ult. by Rev. John M. Brooke, William Darcus and Miss Elizabeth Vertue, both of Kingsclear parish (York Co.)
He married Elizabeth Virtue, 11 Mar 1845 in Fredericton, NB. Died 15 Nov 1852.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Second Immigrant Generation
5. Andrew Dorcas
Son of Aaron Dorcas & Jane. Born Approx 1810 in Ireland. Died Jun 1862 in Hanwell, NB.
From 1851 Census, Andrew emigrated in 1831.
Note from Dorcas Family Bible (Held by Gertrude Delaney): "Great ice freshet in 1846, March 18, 19 & 20th in St. John River, then came to Harvey after the freshet and settled on farm across from Coburn's store, they built a log cabin, then a house."
Andrew received Lot No. 14 southeast side of the Saint Andrews road from his father, Aaron Darcus, 8 Aug 1857.
On 10 Jan 1859, Andrew Dorcas and his wife Mary sold to George Grieve, (150 pounds) Lot #14, "also one brown mare and harness with waggon and Sled three cows and three young cattle and all farming utensils on the farm likewise ten sheep and all the household furniture and cooking utensils and milk vessels and all that belongs to the said Andrew Dorcas and Mary his wife, Together with all houses, out houses, barns, buildings edifaces fences improvements profits privileges, etc....." (Lot #14 v.39 p.608, 10 Jan 1859)
From Morning Freeman, Saint John, 1 Jul 1862: "A man named Dorcas residing in Hanwell Settlement (York Co.) was fatally injured Monday by being thrown from his wagon, a barrel of flour rolling over him as he lay. He died yesterday--Reporter."
Andrew died in Jun 1862, and on 29 Sep 1862, George Grieve and his wife Jane sold to Mary Dorcas Lot #14 (100 pounds), the same lot which Andrew and Mary Dorcas had sold in 1859. (v.43 p. 99, 29 Sep 1862).
One-half acre of Lot 14 (v.43, p 770, 30 May 1856) was sold by Andrew Dorcas and his wife Mary to Annie Cleveland, "Beginning at a stake in the fence at the north west corner of the new store running north along the said Great Road two hundred and one feet to a stake in the fence thence east one hundred and nine feet to a stake thence south two hundred and one feet to a stake in a row of stones, thence west one hundred and nine feet to the place of beginning containing one half acre more or less." (Registered 28 Sep 1863.) The same land was sold by Annie Cleveland, George Grieve and his wife Jane to Joseph Armour of Fredericton, 22 Sep 1863. (v. 43 p. 771.)
He first married Isobella Wishart, Approx 1831. Died 4 Jul 1843.
Isobella died shortly after the birth of her twin daughters.
They had the following children:
11 i. Rachel Dorcas
12 ii. Mary Anne Dorcas
13 iii. Sarah Dorcas
14 iv. John Dorcas
15 v. Elizabeth Dorcas (Twin)
16 vi. Jane Dorcas (Twin)
He second married Mary Virtue, 5 Sep 1844. Born Approx 1821 in Ireland. Died 4 Oct 1895 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Surname is spelled "Virtue" and "Vertue", not sure which is correct.
They had the following children:
17 i. Catherine Dorcas
18 ii. Margaret Dorcas
19 iii. Rebecca Dorcas
20 iv. Robert V. Dorcas
21 v. Elizabeth Ann Dorcas
22 vi. James William Dorcas
23 vii. Louisa Bell Dorcas
24 viii. Andrew Thomas Dorcas
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Second Immigrant Generation
6. Elizabeth Dorcas
Daughter of Aaron Dorcas & Jane. Born Approx 1813 in Ireland. Religion Church Of Scotland (1861).
York Co. Marriage Register p. 72, 1837-1850, F635 PANB: "Marriage at Fredericton, New Brunswick Robert O'Hara of the Parish of Kingsclear in the County of York and Elizabeth Darcus of the same place, were married in this parish by license this eight day of November in the year 1839 by me, George Coster, Rector of Fredericton Vic.
This marriage was solemnized between us:
Robert (his X mark) O'Hara
Elizabeth (her X mark) Darcus
In the presence of Thomas Doran, Eleanor Sinnet, both of Fredericton.
Filed and registered 14 Dec 1839."
She married Robert O'Hara, 8 Nov 1839 in Fredericton By Rev. George Coster, Anglican . Born Approx 1812 in Ireland. Religion Roman Catholic.
Listed in 1851 Census in Fredericton, shopkeeper/tenant; and 1861 Census, St. Ann's Ward, Fredericton, labourer.
They had the following children:
25 i. Margaret O'Hara
26 ii. (Son) O'Hara
27 iii. Sarah O'Hara
28 iv. Martha O'Hara
29 v. George S. O'Hara
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Second Immigrant Generation
7. Sarah "Sally" Dorcas
Daughter of Aaron Dorcas & Jane. Born 1816 in Ireland. Died 5 Apr 1899 in Williamsburg, N.B.
Sally died 5 Apr 1899, age 83.
She married William "Billy" Hay, son of Alexander Hay & Jane Robinson, 3 Oct 1838 in York Co., NB By James Somerville, Anglican . Born 1816 in Spittal, Northumberland, Eng. Christen 15 Mar 1816 in Spittal, Northumberland, Eng. Died 14 Apr 1901. Occupation Blacksmith.
From York Co NB Marriage Register B 1837-1850 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were Alex'r Hay and Thomas Briggs.
They had the following children:
30 i. Jane Hay
31 ii. Aaron Hay
32 iii. Alexander "Aleck" Hay
33 iv. William Hay Jr.
34 v. Sarah Ann "Annie" Hay
35 vi. Mary "Matilda" Hay
36 vii. Margaret Louisa Hay
37 viii. John James "Jack" Hay
38 ix. Thomas Hay
39 x. Henry Angus Hay
40 xi. Evelena "Eve" Hay
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
8. John Dorcas
Son of Aaron Dorcas & Catherine Virtue. Born 1 Jun 1846. Christen 8 Jul 1846 in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Fredericton.
John, age 5 years, was in the household of John Virtue and Catherine (his grandparents) in the 1851 Fredericton Census.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
9. James Dorcas
Son of Aaron Dorcas & Catherine Virtue. Born 8 Jan 1848. Christen 16 Mar 1848 in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Fredericton.
James, aged 3, was in the household of John Virtue and Catherine (his grandparents) in the 1851 Fredericton Census.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
10. Aaron Dorcas
Son of Aaron Dorcas & Catherine Virtue. Born 9 Jul 1849. Christen 9 Aug 1849 in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Fredericton.
Aaron, aged 2, was in the household of John Virtue and Catherine (his grandparents) in the 1851 Fredericton Census.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
11. Rachel Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Isobella Wishart. Born 17 May 1832.
Rachel's surname is spelled "Darkis" in marriage register.
She married William Mentrum, 2 May 1854 in Fredericton By John D. Casewell . Born Approx 1832 in England. Occupation Painter. Religion Church Of England.
In 1861 Census, St. Ann's, Fredericton: William Mentrum, age 29, b. England, occupation - painter, religion - Church of England; Rachel, 29, born NB, Free Presbyterian; children: William, age 5; Isabell, age 3 and Robert S., 9 mo.
They had the following children:
41 i. William Mentrum
42 ii. Isabell Mentrum
43 iii. Robert S. Mentrum
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
12. Mary Anne Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Isobella Wishart. Born 27 May 1834.
From New Brunswick Courier, 21 Aug 1852: "Married 12th inst by Rev. John M. Brooke, Robert Stevenson and Miss Mary Ann Darcus, both of Fredericton Parish."
From York Co. NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were William Virtue and Catherine Dorcas.
She married Robert Stevenson, 12 Aug 1852 in St. Paul's Presbyterian, By Rev. John M. Brooke . Born Approx 1831 in Scotland. Religion Church Of England.
In the 1861 Census, Wellington Ward, Fredericton: Robert Stevenson, age 30, b. Scotland; Mary Ann, age 27; sons Alexander, age 3 and Lemuel, age 1. Religion: Church of England.
They had the following children:
44 i. Alexander Stevenson
45 ii. Lemuel Stevenson
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
13. Sarah Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Isobella Wishart. Born 2 Jan 1837.
No further information.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
14. John Dorcas
Son of Andrew Dorcas & Isobella Wishart. Born 9 Sep 1840 in Fredericton. Christen 4 Jul 1841 in Cathedral, Fredericton.
Birthdate from family bible: 6 Sep 1840.
From Cathedral records, Fredericton: "John Dorcas b. Sept 9, 1840, baptized July 4, 1841, residence Fredericton, s/o Andrew and Isabella Darcas by J. M. Stirling." (PANB F1114, Cathedral, Fredericton)
NBFA, 1851-55, #F15552, p. 566: "John Dorcas to Mrs Nancy Cockburn on Oct 12, 1864, witnesses Aaron Hay and Catherine Dorcas."
He married Nancy Johnston, daughter of Mr Johnston & Christina A. Heughan, 12 Oct 1864 in Harvey York Co., By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 15 Jan 1833. Died 18 Mar 1916 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From Religious Intelligencer, 18 Nov 1864: "Married Harvey by Rev Samuel Johnson, John Dorcas and Mrs Nancy Cockburn."
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Married by Rev. Samuel Johnson, with witnesses Aaron Hay and Catherine Dorcas.
Copied from newspaper obituary - d. 18 Mar 1916:
Mrs Nancy Coburn
Harvey Station, March 20 -- Mrs Nancy Coburn, an old resident of this parish, died on Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs Walter Piercy, at Manners Sutton. She was in the eighty-third year of her age, and has been very infirm for some time past. She is survived by one son, John E. Coburn, who carried on a general store at Manners Sutton, and three daughters--Mrs Robert Little and Mrs Walter Piercy, of Manners Sutton, and Mrs F. Currie, of Boston. She is also survived by one brother, Christopher Johnston of Coburn. She was a lady possessed of many good qualities and had a wide circle of friends. The funeral will take place this afternoon.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
15. Elizabeth Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Isobella Wishart. Born 26 Jun 1843.
No further information.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
16. Jane Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Isobella Wishart. Born 26 Jun 1843.
No further information.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
17. Catherine Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Mary Virtue. Born 27 Oct 1845. Christen 27 Jun 1847 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 24 Apr 1915. Buried in Acton Cemetery.
Death date 18 Apr 1915 in the Daily Gleaner.
She married Samuel Davis, son of Richard Davis & Jane Rhoades, 11 May 1865 in Harvey Presbyterian Church By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 3 Dec 1839. Died 1916. Buried in Acton Cemetery.
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were Thomas Davis and Margaret Dorcas.
They had the following children:
46 i. Mary "Jane" Davis
47 ii. Frederick Allan Davis
48 iii. Andrew Davis
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
18. Margaret Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Mary Virtue. Born 10 May 1848 in Harvey. Christen 26 Jun 1848 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 26 Dec 1935 in Kingsclear. Buried in Acton Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1935):
Died at Kingsclear
Mrs Margaret Davis, Aged 87, Was well Known Woman--Buried at Acton.
Harvey Station, N.B., Jan 2 -- The death of Margaret Davis, wife of the late Thomas Davis, occurred at her home at Kingsclear on Thursday afternoon in her 87th year. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. R. J. Kirkland of the Presbyterian Church, Acton, of which she was a member since her marriage over 60 years ago. Favorite hymns were sung which included What a Friend We Have in Jesus and Lead Kingly Light. Her four sons were the pall bearers and burial was in Acton Cemetery. Mrs Davis leaves to mourn three daughters, Mrs Richard MacDonald, Oak Bay, Washington; Mrs Martin George, Millinocket, Me.; Miss Estella, at home and four sons, Lewis, Millinocket, Me.; Robert, Presque Isle, Me.; Charles, Sherman, Me. and Samuel on the homestead; 13 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. The late Mrs Davis was a true Christian and was well known in the Harvey district.
She married Thomas Davis, son of Richard Davis & Jane Rhoades, 26 Jul 1870 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton . Born 15 Jan 1843. Died 3 Mar 1929. Buried in Acton Cemetery.
From New Brunswick Reporter, 29 Jul 1870: "Married Manse of St. Paul's, 26th inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, Thomas Davis and Miss Margaret Dareas both of Manners Sutton."
Witnesses to marriage were Samuel Davis and Rebecca Dorcas.
They had the following children:
49 i. Eliza Ann "Lizzie" Davis
50 ii. Richard "Lewis" Davis
51 iii. Charles Alfred Davis
52 iv. Robert Sewell Davis
53 v. Alice Maud Davis
54 vi. Samuel Wilmot Davis
55 vii. Bertina C. Davis
56 viii. Estella Jane "Stella" Davis
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
19. Rebecca Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Mary Virtue. Born 20 May 1850. Died 1 Feb 1894 in St. Stephen.
Name spelled "Rebekah" in the family Bible, and birth date 20 May 1850.
From Saint Croix Courier, 8 Feb 1894: "Died at St. Stephen, Feb 1, Rebecca, wife of Archibald Robinson, aged 43 yr. 8 mo."
She married Archibald Robinson, 16 May 1872.
From Daily Telegraph, 25 May 1872: Married Thursday 16th inst., by Rev. Robert Wilson, Archibald Robinson, St. Stephen and Miss Rebecca Darkis of Harvey Settlement.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
20. Robert V. Dorcas
Son of Andrew Dorcas & Mary Virtue. Born 9 Jan 1852. Christen 23 Mar 1852 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton. Died 15 Oct 1923 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Dorcas Family Bible lists birth date 9 Jan 1852, however St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Fredericton records gives birth date as 20 Dec 1851 and baptized 23 Mar 1852.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
21. Elizabeth Ann Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Mary Virtue. Born 22 Apr 1854. Died 10 Sep 1937. Buried in Acton Cemetery.
1901 Census birth date: 24 May 1853; Birthdate from family Bible: 22 Apr 1854.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1937):
Mrs Elizabeth Coffey
Harvey Station, N.B., Sept 18 -- The passing of Mrs Elizabeth Coffey, 84 years of age, widow of the late Richard Coffey, occurred at her home on September 10 following a short illness. Mrs Coffey was held in high esteem by all who knew her. Surviving her are one brother, Andrew Dorcas, Manners Sutton; four daughters, Mrs Alexander Hood, Mouth of Keswick; Mrs David Lister, Mrs Alexander Rosborough, McAdam; Mrs Maude Dykeman at home; three sons, Allen of Salem, Oregon; Lorne of McAdam; David at home; 14 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
The funeral service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. Alexander MacKay of Saint James United Church, Sunday, September 12. Favorite hymns, The Lord is My Shepherd, Abide With Me and Rock of Ages were sung by a quartette consisted of Mrs P. M. Cougle, Miss Gertrude Dorcas, G. Wesley Coburn and Robert V. Dorcas.
The pall-bearers were Lorne Coffey, David A. Coffey, Alexander Rosborough and David Lister. Interment was made in the Acton Cemetery. The service was largely attended and many beautiful floral tributes were received.
She married Richard Coffey, son of James Coffey & Catherine Armstrong, 4 Nov 1873 in Harvey, York Co. By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 1840 in Ireland. Died 20 May 1923 in Yoho, NB. Buried in Acton Cemetery.
From Daily Telegraph, 7 Nov 1873: "Married 4th inst. by Rev. Samuel Johnson, Richard Coffey, Acton, and Miss Elizabeth Dorcas, Harvey."
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Dorcas and Anne Coffey.
They had the following children:
57 i. Bertha Mae "Bertie" Coffey
58 ii. George "Allan" Coffey
59 iii. Louise Edith Coffey
60 iv. James "Lorne" Coffey
61 v. David Armstrong Coffey
62 vi. Herbert Andrew Coffey
63 vii. Annie "Maude" Coffey
64 viii. Emma Jean Coffey

Lizzie and Lorne Coffey.
Elizabeth ( Lizzie) Little
Born April 4, 1887 died February 10, 1967
Daughter of Albert Little and Jane Agnes Lister,
James "Lorne" Coffey
Born June 14, 1882 died January 19, 1968
Son of Richard Coffey and Elizabeth Dorcas.
Lizzie and Lorne lived in Harvey, then moved to McAdam, and
eventually returned to harvey and the house where Spilmans
used to live.
Parents of Marion, Lorna and Edwin.
Lorne was previously married to Susan Briggs and they had
one daughter Margaret.
Source - Old Harvey Photos on Facebook - Janet Swan Watson
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
22. James William Dorcas
Son of Andrew Dorcas & Mary Virtue. Born 7 Jul 1856. Died 9 Jun 1900. Buried in St. Stephen Rural Cemetery.
Birth date in family Bible: 7 Jul 1856
In St. Stephen Rural Cemetery: James W. Dorcas died June 9, 1900 ae 46 yrs.; Mrs Ellen Dorcas 1847-1929. (In same lot as: Rachel Grover 1850-1922 and Charles Grover 1852-1915.) (Not sure who Mrs Ellen Dorcas was? --was she wife of James??/jh)
He married Lucy Gettis.
(Unsure if this is correct. Marriage needs to be checked.)
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
23. Louisa Bell Dorcas
Daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Mary Virtue. Born 2 Apr 1858. Died 3 Apr 1930 in St. Stephen. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
Mrs Louisa Bell Mowatt
Harvey Station, April 6 -- This community was saddened by the sudden death of Mrs Louisa Bell Mowatt, of St. Stephen, on April 3, after an illness of pneumonia of eight days, aged 72 years. Deceased had been a former resident of Harvey Station, having removed to St. Stephen twenty-eight years ago. Her husband predeceased her fifteen years ago. She is survived by one son, Archie, of St. Stephen, and two daughters, Mabel and Margaret, with whom she lived, and seven grandchildren. One brother, Andrew Dorcas, and two sisters, Mrs Richard Coffey and Mrs Thomas Davis, of Acton, also survive.
On arrival of the C.P.R. train yesterday the body, accompanied by her daughters, was taken to the home of Andrew Dorcas. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. George Knight had charge of the service, assisted by Rev. J. H. MacLean and the choir of the United Church.
The pallbearers were four nephews, David Coffey, Samuel Davis, Fred Davis and Arthur Mowatt. Burial was in the Harvey cemetery. The floral tributes were beautiful and numerous.
She married George Mowatt, son of Thomas Mowatt & Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt, 5 Sep 1877 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By John M. Brooke . Born 18 Nov 1853/1854 in Harvey. Died 1915 in St. Stephen. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
George and Louisa's children were born in Harvey, and they moved to St. Stephen approximately 1902. Note in Harvey Presbyterian Church death records: George Mowatt died 1915 in St. Stephen, brought to Harvey.
From Daily Telegraph, 17 Sep 1877: "Married Fredericton 5th inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, George Mowatt and Miss Louise B. Dorcas, both of Manners Sutton."
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Dorcas and Kate Virtue.
They had the following children:
65 i. Alice "Mabel" Mowatt
66 ii. Rebecca "Estella" Mowatt
67 iii. Archibald Robinson "Archie" Mowatt
68 iv. Margaret Jane Elizabeth Mowatt
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
24. Andrew Thomas Dorcas
Son of Andrew Dorcas & Mary Virtue. Born 16 Sep 1861 in Harvey. Died 7 Jun 1952 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1952):
Andrew Dorcas Died in Harvey
The community of Harvey was saddened by he passing on June 7th of one of its oldest and most respected citizens, Mr Andrew Dorcas. His funeral which was largely attended was held in St. Andrews United Church where service was conducted by the Pastor Rev. J. L. Rose who gave a very comforting address.
The choir sang three of his favourite pieces, The Old Rugged Cross, In the Sweet Bye and Bye and Abide with Me. The pall-bearers were Lorne Coffey, Dave Coffey, Walter Coburn, Wilbert Coburn, Sandy Coburn and Bowman Little. Interment was made in the Harvey Cemetery.
Mr Dorcas was a son of the late Andrew and Mary Dorcas and has been life long resident of this place and being of a genial and friendly disposition he was loved and respected by all. Many beautiful floral tributes were received including one from the sesson of the United Church of which he was a member for over 40 years.
Mr Dorcas who had reached the age of 90, being born in 1861, had been enjoying good health up until very recently. On Friday morning he was stricken with a heart attack and died at an early hour on Saturday morning. He was married to Margaret Coburn in 1883 and she predeceased him in 1930.
Surviving are two sons, Robert of this place with whom he had made his home for the past number of years. Keith of Saint John and one daughter (Bessie) Mrs Charles Essensa of Brownville Jct., Maine. Also surviving are ten grandchildren and several great grandchildren.
He married Margaret "Maggie" Coburn, daughter of George Cockburn (Coburn) & Mary Piercy, 22 Dec 1885 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt. Born 23 Sep 1858 in Harvey. Died 10 Dec 1930 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage to Andrew Coburn were Henry Craig and Mary E. Piercy.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1930):
Mrs Andrew Dorcas
Harvey, Dec 11 -- The community of Harvey was very much saddened by the death of Mrs Andrew Dorcas at her home, Manners Sutton, on December 10th, after a few months illness.
Mrs Dorcas was before her marriage, Miss Margaret Coburn, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs George Coburn of Harvey and was 73 years old.
She lived all her life in Harvey and vicinity and was a good neighbor and friend to all who knew her. She was a member of the United Church of Canada, a life member of the W.M.S. and a faithful worker both in Church and Society.
She has left to mourn a loving husband, two daughters and two sons. The daughters are Miss Eva at home, Mrs Charles Essensa of Brownville Junction. Robert of Harvey and Keith at home, also seven grand children.
The funeral was held from her late home on Thursday at 2:30 o'clock and was attended by many friends and relatives. Rev. J. H. MacLean of the United Church had charge of the funeral assisted by the choir. The hymns sung were: Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling, Nearer My God to Thee, There is no Night in Heaven. Six nephews were pall-bearers: Sandy and Robert Coburn, Harry Swan, Fred Davis, Dave Coffey and Lewis Davis. The floral tributes were beautiful.
They had the following children:
69 i. Robert Virtue Dorcas
70 ii. Mary "Eva" Dorcas
71 iii. Lena Isabell Dorcas
72 iv. Bessie Christina Dorcas
73 v. Frederick Lesley Dorcas
74 vi. Keith Chamberlain Dorcas
75 vii. Gertrude Ellen Dorcas
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
26. (Son) O'Hara
Son of Robert O'Hara & Elizabeth Dorcas. Born 1841. Died 19 Nov 1848 in St. John River At Sugar Island.
This son, age 7 years drowned with his Uncle Aaron Dorcas in the St. John River opposite Sugar Island.
From New Brunswick Courier 25 Nov 1848: "We learn from "Headquarters" of Wednesday last that an accident occurred on the St. John River opposite Sugar Island about 10 miles above Fredericton on Sunday. It appears that a man named Darcus was amusing himself by skating with his sister's son, a child about age 7, named O'Hara in his arms, when the ice suddenly gave way and both were plunged into the river to rise no more. The bodies were found about an hour after they sank, the child being firmly clasped in his uncle's arms."
From New Brunswick Reporter, 24 Nov 1848: "On Sunday last, Aaron Darcus while skating near Sugar Island (York Co.) and holding in his arms a boy of 7 or 8 years of age, the son of a neighbour named O'Hara unfortunately fell into an airhole and was drowned."
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
30. Jane Hay
Daughter of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1839 in Harvey Settlement, York Co., NB.
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB), married by Rev. Samuel Johnson, with witnesses William Dorcas and Sarah Ann Hay.
In the 1871 Census for Manners Sutton, living with George and Jane Anderson and their four children, was:
Margaret Hay age 18
Margaret Hay age 2/12 Feb.
(This "Margaret" was perhaps Jane's sister??)
She first married George W. Anderson, 7 Jul 1863 in York Co., NB . Born Approx 1829 in NB.
In the 1871 Census for Manners Sutton, name was given as "George Anderson"
They had the following children:
76 i. Phoebe Anderson
77 ii. William "Willie" Anderson
78 iii. Robert "Robbie" Anderson
79 iv. George Anderson
She second married Mr Gillet.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
31. Aaron Hay
Son of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born 7 Feb 1842 in Springhill, York Co. Christen 20 Mar 1842 in Kingsclear Anglican Church. Died 5 Nov 1924. Buried in Williamsburg, N.B.
From Cathedral records, Fredericton: "Baptized 20 Mar 1842, Aaron Hay, b. 7 Feb 1842 s/o William and Sarah Hay at Kingsclear, occupation Blacksmith." (PANB F1114, Cathedral, Fredericton)
From Headquarters, 22 Apr 1868: "Married Manse of St. Paul's, 16th inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, A. Hay and Miss Anne Cowe, both of Harvey (York Co.)"
Witnesses to marriage were Frederick Y. Perkins and Martha O'Harow.
He married Ann "Annie" Cowe, daughter of James Cowe & Isabelle Donaldson, 16 Apr 1868 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton . Born 3 Apr 1849 in Harvey. Christen 13 May 1849 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 27 Nov 1926. Buried in Williamsburg, N.B.
They had the following children:
80 i. Harriet "Hattie" Hay
81 ii. Charles E. Hay
82 iii. James "Albert" Hay
83 iv. Ella Ann Hay
84 v. Gilbert Edward Hay
85 vi. Emily Hay
86 vii. Willis Allan Hay
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
32. Alexander "Aleck" Hay
Son of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1843.
Alex had both legs taken off a long time before he died. His wife with children Mary and John went out west.
From New Brunswick Reporter, 15 Mar 1867: "Married Manse of St. Paul's, 2 nd inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, Alex Hay, Manners Sutton and Miss Sarah E. Walker, St. Mary's."
Witnesses to marriage were George Walker and Sarah Conroy.
He married Sarah E. Walker, 2 Mar 1867 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. John M. Brooke. Born in Penniac.
They had the following children:
87 i. Mary Hay
88 ii. William Hay
89 iii. John Hay
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
33. William Hay Jr
Son of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1845. Christen 26 Sep 1869 in (Adult) Harvey Presbyterian Church.
William's first wife was Eunice Brown, and from this marriage he had six children: Melvina, Henry, William, Adalaide, Howard and Alice Maude. (The first two or three born in Harvey, then the family moved to Stanley.)
William's second wife was Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" Wilkin, and from this marriage there were six children: Agnes, Nellie, Frederick, Emma (or Emily), and Winnie, all born in Stanley.
The family is listed in the 1891 Census for Stanley, but not in the 1901 Census. It is believed the family moved to western Canada. (Possibly Sask.)
He first married Eunice Brown, 11 Nov 1868 in Harvey Presbyterian Church, York Co., By Rev. Samuel Johnson. Born Approx 1848 in N.S. Christen 26 Sep 1869 in (Adult) Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died Between 1879/1881.
Witnesses to marriage were John Cowe and Margaret Hay.
They had the following children:
90 i. Melvina Hay
91 ii. William Hay
92 iii. Henry "Hen" Hay
93 iv. Adelaide Amelia "Addie" Hay
94 v. Howard Hay
95 vi. Alice Maude Hay
He second married Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" Wilkin, daughter of Herbert Wilkin & Jane Gass, 26 Jul 1881 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt . Born Approx 1852 in England.
Betsy had two sons: James and John. ( John was raised by James and Isabella Henry.)
Betsy was the second wife of William Hay. Witnesses to marriage were John J. Hay and Eleanor Wilkin. They were living in the Stanley area when the 1891 Census was taken, but are not in the 1901 Census for Stanley. It is believed that this family moved West.
They had the following children:
96 i. Agnes Hay
97 ii. Nellie Hay
98 iii. Frederick Hay
99 iv. Emma (Or Emily) Hay
100 v. Winnie Hay
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
34. Sarah Ann "Annie" Hay
Daughter of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1847. Died 17 Apr 1883 in Williamsburg, NB.
From Morning News, 10 Apr 1867: "Married Manse of St. Paul's, Fredericton (York Co.), 2nd inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, Robert Cowe and Miss Sarah Anne Haye, both of Manners Sutton."
Witnesses to marriage were Aaron Hay and Ann Cowe.
She married Robert Cowe, son of James Cowe & Isabelle Donaldson, 2 Apr 1867 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton . Born 1843/1844 in Harvey Settlement. Christen 23 Jun 1844 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy .
Robert and his wife and two daughters, Amanda and Isabella were living in Manners Sutton at the time of the 1871 Census, and Robert was a shoemaker.
Robert was living in Lincoln, ME in 1886 when he sold his farm in Williamsburg. (Land Reg. F5653, v.85, p. 296)
Robert and Annie had a large family: Amanda, Isabel, Sarah Marie, Matilda, then two died, then Arthur, Martha, Elizabeth and Eva. In 1921 they were all married and living in the States (letter).
They had the following children:
101 i. Amanda Cowe
102 ii. Isabella D. Cowe
103 iii. Sarah Marie Cowe
104 iv. Mary "Matilda" Cowe
105 v. James "Arthur" Cowe
106 vi. Martha Helen Cowe
107 vii. Elizabeth A. Cowe
108 viii. Eva Cowe
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
35. Mary "Matilda" Hay
Daughter of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1850.
She first married Jeremiah Dewitt.
She second married Mr Moore.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
36. Margaret Louisa Hay
Daughter of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1852 in NB.
Margaret appears in the household of George and Jane Anderson in 1871 Census, with a child, Margaret Hay, 2/12, born Feb. The child Margaret does not appear in the 1881 Census with her mother, and another child is named "Margaret" later in the family, so it is assumed that the first Margaret died young. /jh
She married Patrick "Patsy" Dineen, son of Michael Dineen & Julia, 3 Sep 1878 in York Co., NB By J. C. McDevitt (Roman Catholic) . Born Approx 1840 in Manners Sutton, NB. Occupation Farmer. Religion Catholic.
Information on Patrick Dineen and family was taken from the 1881 and 1891 Census for Manners Sutton. The family does not appear in the 1901 Census./jh
They had the following children:
109 i. Margaret Hay
110 ii. Mary Dineen
111 iii. Tressa Dineen
112 iv. William Dineen
113 v. Margaret Dineen
114 vi. Daniel Dineen
115 vii. Henry Dineen
116 viii. John Dineen
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
37. John James "Jack" Hay
Son of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1854 in Harvey. Occupation Farmer, Blacksmith.
He married Julia Ann Cleghorn, daughter of George Cleghorn & Agnes Hogg, 19 Sep 1887 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt. Born 22 Nov 1864 in South Tweedside. Died 23 Nov 1936.
Witnesses to marriage were Wm Mentrum and Bessie S. Mowatt.
Julia Anne was buried in the Harvey Settlement Cemetery, but was later moved to Burtts Corner Cemetery.
They had the following children:
117 i. Sarah "Sadie" Hay
118 ii. Thomas Hay
119 iii. Lenna Hay
120 iv. Celia Hay
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
38. Thomas Hay
Son of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1858 in Harvey.
Thomas married a girl from Woodstock, and went to Houlton, Maine to live.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
39. Henry Angus Hay
Son of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1861 in Harvey.
Married in U.S.A.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Third Immigrant Generation
40. Evelena "Eve" Hay
Daughter of William "Billy" Hay & Sarah "Sally" Dorcas. Born Approx 1871 in Harvey.
AND JANE "UNKNOWN" (CA 1774 - 15 APR 1855)
Anderson, George W., spouse of 30
Cleghorn, Julia Ann, spouse of 37
Coburn, Margaret "Maggie", spouse of 24
Coffey, Bertha Mae "Bertie" 57
Cowe, Ann "Annie", spouse of 31
Davis, Estella Jane "Stella" 56
Dewitt, Jeremiah, spouse of 35
Dineen, Patrick "Patsy", spouse of 36
Hay, Adelaide Amelia "Addie" 93
Hay, William "Billy", spouse of 7
Mentrum, William, spouse of 11
Mowatt, Archibald Robinson "Archie" 67
Mowatt, Margaret Jane Elizabeth 68
Robinson, Archibald, spouse of 19
Stevenson, Robert, spouse of 12
Virtue, Catherine, spouse of 3
Virtue, Elizabeth, spouse of 4
Walker, Sarah E., spouse of 32